what is microblading?

What is microblading?!

It is a form of tattooing that gives the appearance of additional hairs in the eyebrow. I know the word tattoo can be a little scary however all tattooing is, is implanting pigment into the skin. There are permanent tattoos (like body tattoos) and semi permanent tattoos (like cosmetic tattooing).

We use a non powered hand tool that has a row of micro-needles. Depending on the amount of micro-needles lined up you will either get a thinner or thicker looking hairstroke. You can either dip the tool in pigment before making a ‘stroke’ or else perform a dry pass and rub pigment on after. You make one stroke or hair at a time going throughout the entire brow. Typically 2-4 passes are performed on each eyebrow.

Multiple numbing agents are used before and during the procedure to keep you numbed and comfortable. You will likely still feel the artist working however it will not be painful. Most clients say it feels weird but is totally bearable! Pain is usually rated about a 2/10.

I’d love to chat more about this with you so send me a message here! 🤍

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