Eyebrow Microblading Calgary


Eyebrow Microblading Calgary
Everything You Should Know Before You Get Your Eyebrows Done in Calgary

Alright ladies; I get it.

Eyebrow microblading is one of the most popular beauty trends in Calgary right now!

Understanding all the ins and outs, the process, the pricing, what method is best for you and everything else can be totally overwhelming.

That’s where I come in!


Who am I?

I’m Pam, and I’ve been doing cosmetic tattooing / eyebrow tattooing in Calgary for 6+ years now and have trained with some of the best permanent makeup artists in Canada and the United States!

I have trained with expert artists and taken Calgary microblading courses / nano brows courses with Hoi Tattoo here in Calgary, powdered ombré / shading eyebrows with BrowNude in Edmonton and Shay Danielle in Calgary, as well as my fundamentals training at The Esthetic Institute. I have taken colour theory and pigment training with one of the best cosmetic tattooers in North America, Teryn Darling.

I also stay up to date with with health and safety courses such as Blood Borne Pathogens.


My studio is licensed by the City of Calgary, insured, as well as annually inspected by Alberta Health Services.

I’m about to explain everything you need to know about eyebrow microblading Calgary but if you’d like to jump ahead and book your appointment right now, awesome! You can go ahead and click here to go straight to my booking page!


If you want to learn everything about eyebrow microblading / tattooing then let me shed some light on all the questions you might have regarding eyebrow microblading Calgary (and other forms of semi permanent eyebrow tattoos).

Why is Eyebrow Microblading So Amazing?

So let’s start out with the most obvious.


What is eyebrow microblading?

Microblading is a form of tattooing. We take pigment and implant it in the skin to achieve a desired colour and shape of the eyebrows.

These are 2 of the most immediate benefits, however I have had countless clients tell me how their new brows have boosted not only their confidence and self – esteem but has immensely decreased their time taken to get ready each and every day!


One area that I really need to point out is I want you to take this very seriously and do your research on artists because

1) This is your face! This is the only face you get and you need to treat it with care.

2) Even though this is considered a more semi permanent option compared to your traditional body tattoos if this is done incorrectly or if someone does don’t have adequate knowledge of colours and pigments this could turn into a permanent disaster.

3) High or low prices does not always mean that they are the best or the worst.

Doing your research and not only taking the price BUT the qualifications of the eyebrow microblading artist, and the quality of their work into consideration is key!

How does Eyebrow Microblading Work?

I took my initial fundamental eyebrow microblading course in Calgary. I learnt the key points on microblading and the technical side to eyebrow microblading.

Essentially microblading is implanting pigment into the skin using a hand tool.

This ‘tool’ has no power and consists of 7-14 (some may have more) micro needles lined in a row. The technician dips the tool into the desired pigment and proceeds to make a hair like stroke on the clients eyebrow area. This process is repeated over the entire eyebrow.

One question I get asked a lot is:

“Does Eyebrow Microblading hurt?”

I use multiple different numbing agents to get you numb and keep you comfortable throughout the appointment. I have had a lot of clients say that to them it feels like plucking eyebrow hairs.


How long does Eyebrow Tattooing last? 

Eyebrow Microblading varies in length of time it lasts depending on the clients skin as well as their lifestyle. Most clients find to maintain their eyebrows they come back for touch ups between 12-24 months.

Everyone heals differently and everyones body will act differently with the pigment; things like stress and other lifestyle changes can unfortunately play a role in the longevity of your newly tattooed eyebrows.


Different Types of Eyebrow Tattooing You Can Find in Calgary!


So the most popular forms of eyebrow tattooing in Calgary are microblading, nano eyebrows and powdered ombré eyebrow/eyebrow shading.

There are a few different names out there like HD Brows, 3D Brows, Combo Brows. They are all essentially the same or a combination of the same methods.

The 2 types of Eyebrow Tattooing I offer right now are:

Microblading Eyebrows
Combo Eyebrows

What do all these mean and who is each service best suited for?

Let’s break it down.

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Eyebrow Microblading

This service is best for clients with normal to dry skin, as well as clients with normal to thin skin types.

This service gives the most natural end result as it appears that you have more eyebrow hairs.


Combo brows

This service is best for those clients who prefer the natural fluffiness of the hair strokes in the front of the eyebrows but also like the bolder more filled in body and tail of the eyebrow.
This service is also great for clients who have little to no natural eyebrow hairs or who are missing large portions of their eyebrows. This service is good for all skin types.


What are the average Eyebrow Microblading Calgary Prices?

Eyebrow Microblading Calgary prices can range drastically from $150 up to $1,100 for your initial service.

As I mentioned earlier, price does not indicate best and worst artists. That is NOT the only factor into deciding who to go see to have this service done.

What is my price for eyebrow tattooing? 

I charge:

$525-$575 for your initial appointment and $150-$175 for your first perfecting touch up (8-12 weeks later)

Check out my open spots here – Combo Brows Calgary

Is microblading really that expensive???

I know that when you see the initial price it can seem like a lot because you pay upfront. But lets break it down.
So, you get your first session done, and then approx 8 weeks later you get your initial touch up (this is an optional appointment and is not required in all cases but let’s add it here just in case). The total of these 2 appointments is $675 with me. Ahh! That seems like a lot, I know. However, your next appointment isn’t approximately for another 18 months (this depends on each person, but average is about 18 months). So that means these new brows (and their cost) will last about 20 months (2 months before the initial touch up and 18 months after that touch up).

So $675 divided by 20 months equals:


Yup, you read that right. Having your eyebrows done is only going to cost you $1.10 a day and potentially less if you go longer between touch up appointments. So if getting your eyebrows done seems really expensive, think again, cause it is way less than a coffee a day!

Here is a list of all my services and prices -> Eyebrow Microblading Prices

I take so much pride in offering not only an affordable service but a safe and amazing experience for each and every client. Many of my clients have been with me for years and I often communicate with them about their eyebrows and maintenance after their appointments.

I want you to be as informed as I am so you understand what we are doing and why!

The appointment takes up to 2.5 hours including consultation, numbing, drawing/outline, and tattooing.

Before you leave I like to go over my aftercare instructions.

Why is Eyebrow After Care so Important?

After care accounts for almost 50% of your healed results. I can give you amazing microbladed eyebrows but if you aren’t following the post care instructions you may not end up with the best healed results.

I provide you with all necessary wipes, ointments and anything else you may need.

Want to check out my after care recommendations?

Click Here – Calgary Eyebrow Tattoo After care

We will also be booking you in for your touch up appointment at this time.

Not all clients need a touch up however it is a way to perfect your brows and do any last things to them to have them EXACTLY how you are wanting. Plus this gives me a chance to see you again and chat!

I like to think I have a pretty awesome set up and experience for all my clients, but hey, don’t take my word for it. I would love for you to take a look at some microblading reviews Calgary clients have left me!


Alright Girl, Let’s Book Your Eyebrow Microblading Appointment

And that is everything you need to know about eyebrow microblading in Calgary.

I know this was super long, so thanks for staying with me and I hope you gained some knowledge from this post.

Now there is nothing left to do but book your appointment!
Eyebrow Microblading Calgary Appointments

If I have left you with any questions about eyebrow microblading Calgary or you want to chat at all you can email me by fill out a form here on our contact page or DM me on instagram @psbeauty.yyc. If you wanna know a little more about me check this out! – A Little About Pam