Better Healed Results

Okay, image this, your client comes back after their initial appointment and you see pigment near the base of all your strokes but halfway up it seems to have all ‘disappeared’...WHAT HAPPENED!?

Bottom line, you did not have proper consistent depth through the entire stroke. You started off with good depth and good pressure and then halfway up you lifted your tool too soon, or lightened your pressure at that midway point.. You need to make sure that from the very start of your stroke to the end of your stroke you are in the right depth. You CAN lift off just slightly at the very end to tapper that stroke a little more. But make sure you aren’t doing this too soon or you will have half of that stroke that disappears on you once everything is healed.

What is something you struggle with as a new microblading artist! I would love to help YOU and others troubleshoot their microblading game!

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