
Giving your clients their aftercare they need is very important to give them the best chance of great healed results. If you leave it up to the client to purchase aftercare wipes/cream they are not all going to go out and get it.

I give each client pre packaged wipes and a small jar of cavilon cream.

**🧡WIPES**: You may choose which wipes to give your clients. They can be baby wipes, gauze that has water and green soap (tattoo soap) on them, or else pre packaged wipes specifically made for pmu procedures. I like to use the prepackaged wipes as this elevates your service for the client.
🧡**CAVILON CREAM**: this stuff is AMAZING! It is a silicone based healing cream that provides a protective barrier for the skin, kind of like an invisible band-aid. 

What do you send your clients home with after their microblading procedure? Tell me in the comments! 🦜👇🏼

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